Lightning Vulnerability Discovered; LND Node Operators Urged to Upgrade ASAP
Lightning Vulnerability Discovered; LND Node Operators Urged to Upgrade ASAP
A vulnerability in LND versions 0.10.x and below has been disclosed to the Lightning Labs team, according to engineer Conner Fromknecht in the Lightning Network developer channel Thursday. In light of the disclosure, the firm is urging node operators to upgrade to versions 0.11.0 or higher as soon as possible.
- No known exploitations of the vulnerability have been found to date, but “circumstances surrounding the discovery resulted in a compressed disclosure timeline,” Fromknecht said.
- The vulnerability was “partially” disclosed with a detailed publishing of the findings promised Oct. 20.
- Lightning Labs – one of three major implementations of the Lightning Network – released its newest v0.11.1-beta on Oct. 1.
- Lightning Labs did not respond immediately to a request for comment.