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LetsExchange Announces New Service for Fast Crypto Swaps Without Registration

[PRESS RELEASE – Please Read Disclaimer]

The newly-launched platform provides registration-free access to unlimited trades in more than 210 coins and about 45,000 currency pairs.

The competition among cryptocurrency exchange platforms is intense and requires new players to come up with a distinctive and obvious value proposition in order to succeed. To stand out from similar products, LetsExchange is betting on high accessibility and fast, effortless swaps with minimal slippage. As it’s stated on the platform’s website at, it focuses on saving users’ time at each step of an exchange to help crypto traders maximize their profits.


To achieve all of this, LetsExchange relies on the following set of features:

  • Registration-free access. The platform doesn’t require a trader to create a user account so that they can proceed to exchange as soon as they spot an opportunity for a profitable trade. This also ensures complete anonymity for users, although they can provide an email address to get a receipt with transaction details.
  • An easy-to-use interface. All the features are easily accessible through a single page. To make a trade, you only need to pick a currency pair and send the trade amount to the deposit address.
  • A fully automated exchange process. As soon as a user sends funds to the deposit address, the platform’s algorithms instantly execute the trade to ensure that the exchange processing time solely depends on the network speed of the selected coins.
  • SmartRate technology. Through the use of its proprietary SmartRate technology, the platform selects the best rate for each trade across all the leading crypto exchanges such as Binance, Okex, KuCoin, Gate, Huobi, and others.
  • Limitless exchange. The platform doesn’t impose upper transaction limits. Users can move as much crypto as they want in one go.
  • Fixed rates. To make sure that the price doesn’t drop during the exchange, the user can choose the fixed rates option, although floating rates are available as well.
  • As a non-custodial service, LetsExchange doesn’t store users’ funds. The coins available for trading on the platform are validated to guarantee their legit origin. The platform’s security is enhanced by encryption, an SSL certificate, and DDoS protection.
  • Real-time customer support is available 24/7.

As the LetsExchange platform is already up and running, all these features are now put to the test by the crypto community.

About LetsExchange

LetsExchange is a one-stop multicurrency exchange service free of registration, limits, and complications. It supports 210+ coins, about 45,000 currency pairs and automatically selects the best rate across all major crypto exchanges for each trade. Built by a team of crypto visionaries with 10+ years of experience in the blockchain space and fintech, LetsExchange saves users’ time at each step of a crypto swap and amplifies their trading revenue.

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