John McAfee’s Ghost Distributed Exchange Now Live
John McAfee’s controversial Ghost distributed exchange, which promises anonymity, is now live.
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John McAfee’s controversial Ghost distributed exchange is now live, the cryptocurrency advocate announced on Twitter over the weekend.
The Ghost distributed exchange is related to McAfee’s privacy project Ghost, a Proof of Stake privacy coin intended for more anonymous transactions. McAfee clarified on social media that Ghost will replace the McAfeeDEX distributed exchange. The Ghost main net itself is expected to go live on June 22.
Ghost has been the subject of contention for months especially after McAfee himself admitted Ghost “copy-pasted” parts of its white paper from PIVX. Even so, he seemed poised to sue PIVX–an open-sourced protocol–for defamation. PIVX is also planning to use a zk-SNARKs-based privacy protocol created by privacy coin Zcash (ZEC). It will launch in the fourth quarter of this year.
“PIVX is attempting to claim that their source code is Public Domain, but that the description of how it all works (The White Paper) is not,” he tweeted in May. “Claiming a procuct is open source while witholding the documention is fraud. Pure and simple. I will soon demonstrate that in the courts.” PIVX, however, told Cointelegraph it cannot be sued because it is not a legal entity and no one person has ownership of its development.
The British-American McAfee has been living “in exile” since 2019 due to alleged tax-reporting charges.