Grayscale Donating up to $2M to Crypto Advocacy Group Coin Center
A web page has been set up for the donation matching campaign that runs through February.

Grayscale Donating up to $2M to Crypto Advocacy Group Coin Center
Grayscale Investments announced Monday it is making a major donation to support the non-profit Coin Center’s policy advocacy mission.
- The digital asset manager is donating $1 million to Coin Center and has pledged to match further donations of up to $1 million till the end of February.
- In 2018, crypto exchange Kraken donated $1 million to Coin Center and now Grayscale is taking up the torch by making a similar pledge.
- Coin Center aims to educate policymakers on cryptocurrencies to ensure that the U.S. government’s approach is based on a good understanding of the technology.
- “While it is the responsibility of blockchain and digital currency firms to support good policy-making in [Washington], D.C. to drive this industry forward, it is in the interest of all users, developers, investors, and other market participants that regulators are properly informed about developments in this space,” said Michael Sonnenshein, CEO of Grayscale Investments.
- A web page has been set up for the donation matching campaign that runs through February.
- Grayscale is a subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, CoinDesk’s parent company.